${ Huntly }

jobsearch, job

Huntly is a front-end solution for a job search organization, leveraging Nextjs 14's blazing fast server-side rendering with the awesome utility-based styling approach of TailwindCSS, and the overall application build-time safety of Typescript.

stack: Next.js 14, TailwindCSS, Typescript

${ Scrabble Modern }

golang, scrabble, real-time, statically-typed, algorithm, websocket, game

Scrabble Modern is a supercharged variant of the traditional Scrabble game. Same nostalgic feel, now charged with futuristic enhancements, enabling it to now be played over the web, with no need for native installation, whilst suporting offline, and real-time online gameplay with friends and family all over the world. Jump right on, and feel this goodness!!

stack: Typescript, Golang, MongoDB, Mux, React, SCSS, Socket.Io, Drag-n-Drop, Material-Ui, OAuth


${ OpenDax }

crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, exchange, blockchain

OpenDAX is a decentralized exchange dashboard used to monitor price movements and exchange rates of cryptocurrency assets over given periods of time. It is intuitively build to satisfy both aesthetic and functional requirements.

stack: React, SCSS, Typescript


${ Sachiel Wallet }

crypto, bitcoin, decentralized, wallet, sachiel

Landing page for cryptocurrenty wallet application with awesome color animations, and creative use of color gradients.

stack: Next.js, SCSS, Meterial-UI

${ Algorithm Utilities }

algorithm, data-structures, encryption, decryption

Algorithm Utilities is a graphical user interface build to interract with light weight intermediate algorithms implemented with JavaScript, to manipulate an input to give a desired precise output.

stack: HTML, Plain CSS, Vanilla JavaScript